You would have loved Dylan…

…… we did, and now he’s gone.

Dylan was a delightful, boisterous ten-year-old Irish Setter

The grief felt by our whole family when he had to be put down was almost unbearable.

We had all lost a dear friend, a playmate, a confidant, a comforter and a soul soother.

We still miss him, but now the pain has gone … and the joy he brought us lives on.

“Pet” seems to be too small a word to describe how our animal family members impact our lives. 

Often they come to us when they are very young. 

And as they grow up, so do we. 

We get to know them for the individuals that they become, and they get to know us for who we are in all our moods, good - and not so good.

If we are willing to learn, they will teach us tolerance, patience, humor and above all, love.

“ But he was only an animal… ”

There are people who will suggest that grief for a departed pet is somehow inappropriate or misplaced. 

They could not be more wrong. 

Numerous studies have shown that the grief that accompanies the loss of a pet can be just as acute as the grief that can result from losing a close friend.

Just as real, just as valid.

And after all, that is actually what has happened.

You have indeed lost a close friend. 

But this was a friend with a difference.

Even though you couldn’t speak their language, you found that you could both communicate with each other in a very special way. 

Even though they depended entirely on you for their food, shelter, and health needs, you also depended on them for companionship and love.

Gone, but not forgotten.

Professional Grief Counseling will gently guide you through the difficult and painful ache of your loss.

I will provide you with the tools which will enable you to continue to be enriched by the very special relationship you had with your dear friend.

A friend that is gone … but not forgotten.

Grief Counseling works.  

And it’s affordable.


Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be…


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